Responses of African Pentecostal Churches to African Refugees in Dusseldorf Between 2015 and 2020: A Case Study of Mission and Migration
Charles Gyasi
Keywords: African Pentecostalism, Refugees, Mission, Evangelism, Gospel witness
This study investigated selected African Pentecostal Churches’ (APCs) response to the plight of African refugees and asylum seekers in Düsseldorf between 2015 and 2020. The study explored the compassionate element of the mission Dei and utilized the interpretative framework of Matthew 25:31-46 as its conceptual framework. Although APCs serve as a context for reception and integration of African refugees and asylum seekers, and their leaders see themselves as missionaries sent by God to do mission in the research context, their response lacked proactivity and compassion. This was largely because APCs did not approach African refugees and asylum seekers to assist them but waited for the latter to approach them for assistance.