For Authors

Instructions for authors
The Journal of Religion and Public Life accepts the following types of submissions:
  • original research articles;
  • review articles, giving an overview of ongoing research in a particular area;
  • book reviews
All submissions must include author names and affiliations (that is, the university or research institution where the author(s) were based when carrying out the research). If authors are unaffiliated to such an institution then they can be listed as independent researchers.
Research articles must also include an abstract and five or six key words to help potential readers find the article through search engines.
Submissions must follow the Harvard referencing style. Please see this referencing guide from Stellenbosch University.
Submissions must be written in UK (as opposed to US) English.
Research articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word to
All submissions are subject to a peer-review process. It is unlikely that articles will be accepted without at least some amendments being recommended by the reviewer and the editor. All decisions on amendments or rejections are final.