Mission and Interfaith Dialogue: Finding a Neutral Domain for Mission
Zechariah Manyok Biar
Keywords: Interfaith dialogues, Mission, Evangelism, Gospel witness, Neutral space
Interfaith dialogue works well in promoting peaceful coexistence among different religious groups. However, there is tension between successful missions and harmonious relationships; for example, when religious groups focus on interreligious relationships, they weaken evangelism. Once they focus on successful evangelism, they must pay more attention to interfaith relationships. This tension seems less within one religion. Christians who dialogue among themselves unite under one faith in Christ the Saviour. Muslims unite under the doctrine of tawhid, or oneness of Allah. However, what unites different religious groups is still being determined. It could be the neutral domain of a secular state. This article will, therefore, explore how interfaith dialogue and religious mission fit into the neutral domain.
DOI :https://doi.org/10.70600/2024.4497d295